TOSS® Impulse heat seal controls lead to Sustainability
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Sustainability - A White Paper

TOSS® Technology with the PIREG® Heatseal Temperature Control System | Impulse Heat Sealing

TOSS Controlled Impulse Heat “Seal and Cut” Technology eliminates cutting stations, reduces package header allowances leading to sustainability in packaging.

The purpose of this paper is to introduce “TOSS Technology”, an extraordinary impulse heat-sealing system that assures cost effective, perfect sealing with a myriad of options. Perfect Seals… Every Time.

What is TOSSTechnology?

TOSS Technology is the answer to the frustrations and inconsistencies that occur when attempting to produce precision consistent heat seals with outmoded methods. Hot-bars and obsolete impulse sealing methods rely on thermocouples with their inherent delayed response. Even the most precise thermocouples are limited to only local monitoring, shifting, frequent failure, and the down time inherent in replacement.
TOSS Technology saves time and money.

TOSS Technology is a system of combined art and science developed by the TOSS companies to achieve the optimum capability for joining and/or cutting heat sealable polymeric materials, commercial plastic films, and components at the highest possible production rate.

TOSS Technology utilizes heatseal band alloys that predictable change their electrical resistance with every incremental change of temperature. The entire heatseal band is monitored at sixty times per second to provide instantaneous temperature feedback to our high response PIREG® electronic controllers. The technique employed is not unlike the technology employed in RTD’s. Our skill and know-how has been developed over more than 35 years and continues as new technology and materials emerge.

More information... Application | Perfect Heat-Sealing | The Heatseal Band
Heatseal Jaws and Jaw Bar Preparation | Power and Circuit Design
For more information, request a FREE copy of the booklet,
“9 Steps to Heatsealing Perfection”...
CONTACT: TOSS Machine Components, 539 S. Main Street,
Nazareth, PA 18064 610-759-888
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